Devara Movie is an upcoming Indian action drama film featuring South superstar Junior NTR. Fans are eagerly anticipating the film due to the glimpse of Junior NTR’s powerful action sequences. The first part of the film is set to release on April 4th, and apart from Junior NTR, it will also star Janhvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan in pivotal roles. The teaser has heightened fans’ excitement, and they are now eagerly waiting for the teaser and trailer.
His powerful action and remarkable acting in Devara Movie will present fans with a new avatar. The anticipation among audiences for this film is growing, and they are now eagerly waiting for its teaser and trailer.
Devara Movie 2024 : Junior NTR’s Action.
South superstar Junior NTR’s tremendous action will be seen in the film named Devara. The first part of the film is going to be released on April 4, in which Janhvi Kapoor and Saif Ali Khan will also be seen. The first glimpse of the film has further increased the excitement of the fans. The audience is now waiting for the teaser and trailer. Devara is a pan India action drama film presented by Nandamuri Kalyan Ram.
Devara Movie 2024 | Details
Movie Name | Devara Movie 2024 |
Budget | 300 crores |
Director Name | Koratala Siva |
Language | Telugu, |
Dubbed In | Hindi, Kannada, Tamil and Malayalam. |
Release Date | 10 October 2024 |
Release Date Change for Devara : Now Scheduled for This Date .
There has been a change in the release date of the highly anticipated film Devara starring South superstar Junior NTR and Janhvi Kapoor. The film, which was originally set to release in April 2024, will now hit theaters on a new date. Fans eagerly awaiting the first part of the film will be delighted by this news. Devara Movie Part 1 is now slated to release on October 10, 2024, in Telugu, Tamil, Hindi, Kannada, and Malayalam.
The excitement of the fans after hearing about Jr. NTR’s upcoming film Devara is worth seeing. The first look at the film promises to take the audience to a new world. Jr. NTR’s ferocious avatar has impressed the fans a lot and made them wait even more for the release of the film. Wishing success to the film Devara 2024, we welcome this new venture by Jr. NTR and wish him all the best.